Help with installation - Alphatech (en)

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Help with installation

Beware of PoE !!!

PoE is actin according to IEEE802.3af and so can be used all network switches, injectors, etc. Regardless of the manufacturer.
You can not use the so-called. PoE power supply companies designated for one specific product (IP cameras, WiFi routers, etc.).

IP address - can not display the webpage of doorphone
IP address doorphone is from the manufacturer (and default) is set to If you are at installation in another network segment (= do not, so you need to set your PC in the network settings in TCP / IP, either temporarily or as an alternative configuration of the IP address for example. Then you can set the parameters of doorphone including IP address and after reboot VoIP module in doorphone you can connect to the website doorphone already on new IP address (Your PC is now already in the original network settings).
ATTENTION: DIP switch 2 must be in the "off"

Doorphone is only powered PoE - how to connect the lock
The lock can be connected to IPDP without an additional power adapter when PoE powered IPDP if conditions: The lock must be low-power - max. 350 mA at 12V DC.
Here is the picture as simply connect the electric lock powered PoE

Upgrade firmware

Download new firmware from the WEB Alphatech, file is archived in ZIP. The downloaded file must first unpack the archive program, for example. "PowerArchiver".  The resulting file * .firmware use to upgrade firmware - save it somewhere on your PC, for example to the desktop. On the WEB page IPDP doorphone under Service - Update firmware - select * .firmware select the file and click Save.

Style and language preparation

Style file  is HTML file. WEBpage formating is included in this file. Requirement is basic knowledge of HTML language. For transparent editing we recommend use programm PSPad, symbols sada must be UTF8.
Head of this file must be :  <!--VIPM Style 3--> . It is not possible use style files from other door entry model.
Prepare logo picture – dimension about 200px, name must be logo.*, format is JPG,GIF,BMP,PNG, but GIF is recommended for usage transparent logo (not frame) – for example logo.gif

To create new language we recommend following steps. Firstly make export of language file (language version of exported file is simultaneously selected language ( flag in right top corner). Rename this file to new language and open in text editor (PSPad is recommended because file has rows ended by LF only and no CR+LF as usual). Character set select UTF8 and make translation. Save finished file (file name is language and no extension) and import to door entry.
More informations is in manual !
Last change: 29.1.2020
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