Firmware Brave doorphone - Alphatech (en)

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Firmware Brave doorphone

The firmware can be changed in the communicator Brave BraveSet using, and USB cable (for  appropriate model). Only use USB cables with higher communication speeds - purchased after 2010
DoorPhone must be connected to the telephone line!!!

Please pay attention the firmware
for that model is designed.
Do not make unnecessary changes to the firmware (if you do not have a problem), any interference increases the risk of damage to the product.

Pleas use for Firmware upgrade PC program BraveSet !!
Procedure step-by-step:
1 - Disconnect from the line Brave
2 - PC to install the program BraveSet (CD or WEB
- you must unzip)
3 -
Execute BraveSet
4 - Choose the model
of doorphone Brave (picture helps)
5 - In the menu Option - Upgrade FW   choose file with FW (you must unzip
- *.HEX)
6 - Connect the line Brave
7 - Start programming FW
8 - It takes about 10 minutes
- on end is message " pugrade is successful"
9 - If an error occurs, then disconnect doorphone from the line
, restart the PC program and repeat steps 5...8

Pleas before upgrade firmware reinstall last PC software BraveSet (V3.0 and higher)
Firmware for Brave Steel (1158), Brave Sinthesi S2 (1148) - HW produced after 1.1.2018
For new HW solution produced after 1.1.2018
Firmware for Brave Smyle (+ Brave Steel, Brave Sinthesi S2 produced befeore 1.1.12018)
Correction - mode 2+3 of rele not hangup
Correction - repeated press of the same button and the "two groups of numbers" - alternating groups, while pressing a different button always starts from the first group.
New feature - when you set the keyboard to "Dialling from memory" Memory 1-10 can enter single-digit keys 1-0 (originally had to choose 01, 02 ... which is also possible, but also single-digit 1, 2 ... )
Repair - incoming calls are shorter than 5sec to settings in the "two groups of numbers" must not cause redial
Correction function suppression relay activation during incoming calls - Par.38
Support for fast busy signal, such as Alcatel PBX
Ringing detector works with a ringing signal from 10 Hz (a shift for PBX with unbalanced ringing 25Hz - eg. the older Panasonic)
change constant of ring detector , new parameter 68 = mute at the lock is activated(31.10.2013), repair mode switches 4 and 6 at empty memory under button
change constant of tone detector
8.8. 2013
Added security to enter the programming FW, when connected  communicator to another PC program may be deleted FW
add new function - code relay (COSW-code switch)
repair switches in mode 2,3,4,6 - all tested for Slim Brave and for Brave Steel, recommended by the PC program BraveSet V2.0
add 99 buttons, keyboard, exit button - Brave Steel
Old FW only for Brave Smyle:
fixed initialize HF after pickup
fixed tone detector resolution
repair max. duration of tone to 1sec and max. space duration to 1.5sec at bussy tone detection
repair problem with mode 2 and  3 of relays
repair hang up line at redial, new default settings
tart basic firmware
Firmware for Brave SlimDP
Correction - mode 2+3 of rele not hangup
Correction - repeated press of the same button and the "two groups of numbers" - alternating groups, while pressing a different button always starts from the first group.
Repair - incoming calls are shorter than 5sec to settings in the "two groups of numbers" must not cause redial
Correction function suppression relay activation during incoming calls - Par.38 
Support for fast busy signal, such as Alcatel PBX
Ringing detector works with a ringing signal from 10 Hz (a shift for PBX with unbalanced ringing 25Hz - eg. the older Panasonic)
Added security to enter the programming FW, when connected communicator to another PC program may be deleted FW, change constant of tone detector
support for codeswitch COSW 
change constant of tone detector, new parameter 68 = mute at the lock is activated
repair mode switches 4 and 6 at empty memory under button
transcript from version V2.2 standard Brave
Last change: 29.1.2020
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