Firmware BlackBox - Alphatech (en)

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Firmware BlackBox

Firmware in BlackBox is easy replaceable by force of program BlackSet

V 2.2  - 15.05.2012 - repair control for new model of OGM compatible with old version of OGM (from V2.0)
V 2.1  - 10.01.2011 -  for AT@TYPE1 and AT@TYPG0 incomming call is not pickuped and ringing directly to the operator
V 2.0  - 18.02.2009 -  repair small bug from real operating
V 1.9  - 21.12.2008 -  confirmation parameter is possible write without *
V 1.8  - 22.11.2007 -  repair receive in Night mode
V 1.7  - 22.11.2007 -  resolution LLW and GLW in NIGHT mode
V 1.6  - 22.11.2007 -  delay 2sec after ATA in AUTO mode
V 1.5  - 22.11.2007 -  append parameter for day/night mode
V 1.4  - 12.07.2007 -  repair buffer for dial
V 1.3  - 17.11.2006 -  append parameter for suppression inquiry on ID
V 1.2 - 22.09.2006 -  include automatic mode
V 1.1  - 25.08.2006 -  basic version

V 5.3  - 07.06.2012 -  for setting without ask to ID (AT@TYPG=0) BlackBox not hanging and reading only CLIP and if AT@TYPE=1
simultaneously ringing to operator
V 5.2  - 24.05.2012  - beter solution transfer CLIP to internal phone, prolong time for answer ID (for VoIP line - delay)
V 5.0  - 15.05.2012 -  extended features for new line lift communicators

Test library in Windows

Last change: 29.1.2020
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