BlackBox - DTMF modem with CLIP - Alphatech (en)

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BlackBox - DTMF modem with CLIP

BlackBox is device designed for wide spectrum of use particularly for analogue line operation control. It includes one external line ( behaviour as normal phone) and  one internal line (on its is possible connect phone).  The control is possible from your PC through USB port where you can connect a couple of Black Boxes. This device has except full operation control also automatic mode which allows you automatic data collection from Lift communicators ( GSM Lift Watch and Link Lift Watch).

Black Box is unit inserted into analogue line enables:

  • ending of external line (active), as external line card in the PBX

  • ending of internal line (pasive), as extension in the PBX

  • detects and generates ringing signal

  • generates acoustic signalling

  • detects DTMF CLIP as same as FSK CLIP in format Bell even BT

  • generates DTMF CLIP as same as  FSK CLIP in format Bell

  • detects and generates DTMF dial

  • pulse dialling is not supported

  • support internal connection (by cross point as in PBX)  connection external and internal  line with detection of DTMF dial

  • support external ( real connection by relay contacts) connection external and internal line with detection of line ON HOOK

  • play – record message particularly for internal and external line (max.2x10sec)

  • all operation parametres are adjustable and saved in EEPROM memory.

  • 2 operation modes – NORM which is full control via USB port, - AUTO which is automatic operation with sending of events to PC via USB port

 For version of FW V5.0 and higher:
Manual (Alarm)
1261 KB
409 KB
For version of FW to the V4.9:
1206 KB
407 KB
Last change: 29.1.2020
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