Talker - voice module - Alphatech (en)

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Talker is an extension to lift communicator BLLW. Talker includes three voice messages in the lift.
H1 = alert waiting for a connection - "Please Wait"
H2 = warning at the end of the call - "the call will be terminated"
H3 = notice the location of the elevator cab - "Installing the elevator is" (+ H4 = Installation Address - This message must be uploaded for each installation of different).
For the record there are two ways - either send text (s) and e-mail messages in the Alphatech processed and sent back as a WAV file, this file is used in the program BraveLLWSet. Another possibility is that the WAV file you create yourself (8bit, 11kHz, mono) and upload to the Talker module.
The maximum length of messages are:
H1 - 1,6sec        /wait pleas/
H2 - 2,2sec        /Location is:/
H3 - 2,2sec        /End of call/
H4 - 5,5sec        /address of lift instalation/

Talker is connected only with a special flat cable (crossover) into the PC for programming BLLW. Once connected, you must still select which messages are played (parameter 01). Programming BLLW  Talker module in the same USB cable (cable phone) and the same program - BraveLLWSet
Part of the module is a flat cable.

USB kabel NUDV power is special cable with power supply fo programming device from USB.

USB cable with the power switch for programming always use as follows:
Position Off - The standard USB cable using as before (Talker module can not be programmed)
Position On (power) - programming of all devices not connected to other circuitry (especially to a phone line)
!! for programming LCL-C connected to the telephone line and the On position of the switch can damage the PC, LCL-C and PBX!!

Last change: 29.1.2020
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