Features - Alphatech (en)

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  • Voice communication is powered from a telephone line

  • Impulse and tone (DTMF) options

  • Storage of 2 24-digit long numbers per button (including*, #, Flash and pause)

  • Automatic Day/Night switch, programmed weekly by a DTMF code on the RTC clock – additional module

  • Option to prolong a call with * or #

  • Option to connect two independent electronic locks, to open doors

  • Potential to use up to 8 relay regimes (for an additional bell, gradual door opening etc.)

  • Two codes to disconnect the Door Entry System from a phone

  • Two codes to open doors from the phone for 1-impulse and two codes for 2-impulse

  • 3 x 6 code locks for each relay (password from door buttons)

  • Can be connected electrically secure lock on the first switch (serial activation code)

  • Option to connect an exit button

  • Option to disconnect a call by the repeated pressing of a button

  • Option to switch on a ‘baby call’ regime (no number dialling)

  • Option to switch on a regime to suppress the DTMF connection from the microphone

  • Option to switch on a ‘ticking’ sound into a call to announce another call

  • Option to switch on acoustic signalling for relay connection

  • Option to set the number of rings before connecting a call

  • Programmable parameters for tone options Flash length and Pause length

  • Programmable parameters for acoustic signalisation

  • Programmable parameters for tone detection

  • Electronic volume setting without the need to open the front cover

  • Option to power from an internal 12V supply  (replaces Best Box)

  • Easy setting HW with the help of a DIP switch

  • Several default level options

  • Programmable with PC, via USB cable, and remote DTMF programming

  • Integrated regulated heating of the PCB

  • Switchable name tag lighting

  • Unit earthed for better protection against static electricity

Acoustic path setting
The principle of setting acoustic paths:  
There are three parameters 71, 72 and 73. Interaction of these parameters influences the audio performance in various  environment conditions.  

  • in a quiet environment, the parameters 71,72,73 are set to value 7  

  • in an environment where there is a strong ambient noise at the communicator and quiet environment at the phone, it is necessary to reduce  the microphone ´s gain (for example the parameter 72 = 1-3) and also change the ratio of the parameters 71/73  in a way that value 73 increases (for example the parameter 73 = 11-15) and the value of 71 parameter descreases (71 = 2-4)

  • in an environment where there is a strong ambient noise at the phone and a quiet environment at the communicator. In this case we keep the value of parameter 72 = 7 and 73 and 71 parameters should be  set as follows, for example:   parameter 71 = 11-14 and 73 = 2-4

The principle of setting of the parameters is the following:
the  signal from the microphone is amplified by the sum of parameters  72+71 = volume of microphone  and the signal to the speaker is amplified by the sum of parameters  71+73 = volume of speaker. Switching the direction of the ratio is evaluated by parameters 73/72 ratio (threshold).  

  • If the value of the parameter 72 is greater than the value of the parameter 73, then we are favoring the direction from the microphone. This is for cases when the audio direction to the phone is being interrupted.  

  • If the parameter 73 is greater than  the parameter 72, then we are favoring the direction to the speaker. This is for cases when there is an interrupted sound in the speaker of the door phone communicator.

Last change: 29.1.2020
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