Help with installation - Alphatech (en)

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Help with installation

Attention PoE!!!

PoE is active, according to IEEE802.3af norms and so can be used all network switches, injectors, etc. regardless of the manufacturer.  You can not use power PoE from companies designated for one specific product (IP cameras, WiFi routers, etc.).
If is doorphone powered by PoE, so they galvanic connected herewith source and threatens destruction of doorphone, if to him connect e.g . earthed measuring instrument (scope ...) or solder (mostly is earthed).
Contacts of both switch are galvanic separate, but output 12V for lighting visiting - card or connection lowpower lock is galvanic connected with source PoE that is why at installation is necessary more hearken, to circuit of lock didn't have anywhere inducement to the groung.

IP address - it is impossible display WEB site from doorphone
IP address of doorphone is from the manufacturer (as well as starting) adjusted on . If at installation you are in other numbering (= NOT starts so is necessary set in our PC in features of protocol TCP/IP either temporarily or as alternative configuration our IP adress e.g. . Then it is possible set characteristics porter inclusive IP address plus after restart VoIP modulus in porter you can connect WEB site doorphone already on new address.
ATTENTION: DIP switch 3 and 4 have to be in position on otherwise new IP address after restart modulus re - writes back on starting IP address =

From phone it is impossible open lock
Press buttons on phone is transfer in many ways and three of them detects doorphone.
There're possible all methods of transmission
1. in RTP canal RFC2833
2. in SIP info

3. in audio canal (DTMF inband) 

Doorphone is powered up only PoE - how connect the lock
Lock can be connect to IPDP without further supply adapter, when is IPDP powered up PoE at satisfy conditions: Lock must be lowpower - max 350mA at 12V DC. Hereto are pictures how simply connect lock:
1. to Slim IPDP
to IPDP 1145 modular

Download LOG file
Button "Basic LOG" or "Extended LOG" displays to the what state LOG switch, it means you see "Extended LOG" so they switch to the basic LOG and back to, in short switch you have such LOG, which don't see writing on button.
Click on "Download log file" file save to you choice place. File has extension ".BIN", this is necessary rename on ".TAR". To unpacking archive "tar" use e.g . programme "PowerArchiver". File from file equip extension ".TXT". Last notice is thereon, that the text file hasn't standard ending rows. To safe display get past e.g . programme"PSPad".

Upgrade firmware
Firstly download firmware from WEB. This file is archiv - ZIP. You must unzip by Software for example "PowerArchiver". File *.update use in  tool for upgrade firmware in module VoIP and in module doorphone (site "Service" - "Firmware upgrade" - Browse), switching is automatic firmware for DoorPhone or for VoIP module  - information is in upload file. You Click on save and waiting for upgrade process (display steps on screen). If display down button Restart, you click on this. After restart module is new firmare active. Next in this tool is possible change environment of WEB sites - colours, fonts, frames…

Preparation style, language support
File of style consist of three files packaged to the archive ".TAR".
Example hereof file style Alphatech is here. To unpacking file "tar" use e.g . programme "PowerArchiver".
First file
"" is header file of style and this please didn't have.
Second file
"style.html" is HTML style in syntax HTML, it is possible change font size, fonts, colours character and lines, background colour. To reliable display get past e.g . programme "PSPad".
Third file is picture (logo your firm) sizes to the 190x190px in format GIF, JPG, prefer GIF with setting transparent background, remove so rectangle around your logos. Picture then rename on
To compress file use e.g . programme
"PowerArchiver", set archive "tar" and option "tarred" -  without compress.
Sample of style file for design Alphatech.
Basic file for creation translation to the other language. Go out from English or Czech, translation includes also text of Help. Name of file is name language in menu, therefore are not using . and extension, for editing use e.g . programme "PSPad".Translating only terms in quotation mark, preserve markings HTML formatting. Character set is setting to ISO8859-2.
Basic file of language for translation En
Basic file of language for translation Cz
Clean imported language files: lang_delete_all.cust
Set to default language (Czech and English): lang_set_default.cust
- apply this files in ZIP like as firmware

2 groups mode

Explain on the

Video surveillance
checkbox enables RTSP protocol which serves for video parameters negotiation between video receiver (player) and video
server (VoIP Guard).
This protocol uses TCP port 554. Now is supported video encoded by H263 and H264 codecs and then transported via network by RTP protocol.
Information about all protocols could be found on
URL usually needed for player (vlc, mplayer, maybe others) connection is 'rtsp://'. In this case default (first priority) codec is used.
To force particular encoder, use:
'rtsp://' for H263 encoded video, or
'rtsp://' for H264 encoded video.
In some cases also helps to add parameter about frame rate (for example for mplayer it is '-fps 5').
Full command line example for mplayer is:
   mplayer -fps rtsp://

Video multicast
means sending one video stream to many video receivers. In case of more video receivers thist stream do not overload VoIP Guard nor network.
For multicast purpose is dedicated ip address range from to
Addresses, and are reserved.
Full description of ip multicast is on

Last change: 29.1.2020
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