Connection - Alphatech (en)

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Compact design allows easy installation of the communicator to the panel in the cabin lift. Depth (the space behind the panel) is min. 30 mm. Dimensions and mounting holes are dimensioned in the picture

The panel in the cabin lift should be at the speaker and microphone acoustic holes, welded, and M4 screws for attaching the panel communicator. The best acoustic properties occur when the rubber sealing rings in place speaker and microphone just land on the rear panel and acoustic holes are in sufficient number and size.

A more detailed description is in the instructions for use, there are only two examples of connection, to illustrate how the communicator NLLW elevator circuits connected to the electronics.

Connection example with LED, blocking and failure to activate the voltage is switched off, communication with the machine room:

Example of connection with bulbs, blocking and failure is activated by applying voltage

Last change: 29.1.2020
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