BlueGate ISDN - Alphatech (en)

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BlueGate ISDN

The ISDN GSM GATE with integrated two gsm modules Siemens TC 35

Synchro Single
Synchro Twin  
Router Single
Router Twin   


  • Connection to the exchange through ISDN S0 interface with DSS1 signalling in NT mode

  • POINT TO POINT or POINT TO MULTIPOINT exchange S0 interface

  • Connection to DTMF extension line through direct dialling

  • Connection directly to 2 operators or determined lines up called SIM card

  • Connection to the 2 operators after a time period elapse (adjustable) to select an extension line

  • Transfer of the number of the calling subscriber in the exchange (CLIP)

  • Limitation of outgoing calls in GSM network

  • Limitation of incoming calls from GSM network

  • Priority connection through either the 1st or the 2nd GSM module (LCR)

  • Switchable automatic channels changing

  • Smart Call back – automatic incoming calls routing up CLIP

  • Volume setting in both directions separately for each GSM module

  • Setting own time rate by 1 second or only in case of establishing connection

  • Selection of the GSM service provider separately for each GSM module

  • OGM modul recordable message from PC ( MP3, Wav)

  • SIM card protection using PIN

  • Detailed gate parameters setting from PC through a program for Windows 3.1/95/98/2000/XP

  • Power supply 9-15 V DC or 8-12 V AC

Variants of Blue Gate ISDN
BlueGate ISDN

Basic model with the properties described above.

BlueGate ISDN synchro

Moreover, input for synchronization from another ISDN line (exchange line). This type has to be used for exchanges with more ISDN lines that are not able to handle different ISDN synchronization of individual lines by configuration setting.

BlueGate ISDN router

The gate is provided with ISDN input. The cable leading from this input must be connected to the former ISDN line (exchange line). The other connector (output ISDN line) is used as a standard ISDN line (connection to the exchange). In this way, the user does not lose the former IDSN line. After proper LCR setting, the selected calls are routed in GSM networks; the other calls pass further in the former ISDN line. The incoming calls are merged from both directions in the ISDN output.

Optional modules

The gate can be provided with some of the modules improving its utility properties further, according to an order from production. This Manual describes work with two types of these modules:
OGM module – initial report module for DISA direct dialling

·  Recording of initial report directly from ISDN telephone Or from PC ( MP3, Wav)
·  Length of initial report up to 10 seconds for each GSM module

Remote configuration module – remote setting of parameters using a modem

·  Data transfer and communication rate of 9,600 Bd
Properties of the other modules (RS-232, etc.) are described in
separate manuals.

SMS server – via sms server you can send and receive SMS messages under your Outlook ( more detail manual SMS mail).

11.1.2006PDF318 KB
26.10.2005ZIP505 KB
379 KB
27.6.2011PDF161 KB
-SMS mailLink-
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